The Predicament of Unfaithful's Wife.

Love, a four letter mysterious word;
The most common yet misunderstood most;
A precious gift wrapped in lust;
The universe's strongest force,

He had been a devoted husband for several years, both to his commitment and to his words. Until she noticed some changes in him; in his clothing, in his schedules and whereabouts, in his financial needs and spending, in words of wisdom that later include justifying unfaithfulness. He said that because a person is a sinner, it is natural for him to commit sin.

There is no justification for infidelity or adultery and sin. There is a saying that more or less state, "any man who made a woman cry has a place in hell". In the teaching of ancient Vedas, the punishment for unfaithfulness and illicit affair, which causes an indescribable misery to the offended wife or husband, is to have sex with a molten iron partner. "No illicit sex" is one of the four regulated principles that a person must follow if he has to thread a spiritual path; but it is unfortunate that the moral standard of the present society is so degraded that even some spiritually inclined people can't follow or choose to disregard this basic rule.

Anyone who is unfaithful took a wicked step against his/her wife or husband, the marriage vow, the children, the relationship, and the family of the aggrieved party. Anyone's reason to justify such act would only prove that that person is well covered by lust, arrogance, and ignorance. It’s a foolish and sinful act. And it will not be enough for that person to go down and beg for forgiveness from God who was the witness when he made that solemn and sacred vow. The offender must most of all seek the forgiveness of the one whom he put into so much misery by his sinful act, the wife or husband; and the children whose ideals and moral foundation are shaken if not destroyed. However, it takes two to tango and what I am going to discuss is the unfaithful's partner's own missed steps; and the remedial measure that she/he had to take for both of them to complete and finish the dance of married life.

In entertainers live performance, the solution is simple: just pretend that such mistakes didn't occur. If one is a singer, he should just go on and finish the song, and if he or she is a dancer, just keep on dancing. But in real life, this process is next to impossible; because in real life, the performer's heart is bleeding, his/her body is numb, while the mind is like the raging wind of a tropical depression, confused by waves of disturbing reasons in a restless sea.
She was so deeply hurt, and she is crying and saying it's unfair. But who is unfair when she is the one who wants him to be what he is not.

Despite his best efforts to appear to be all-knowing, he is weak and flawed, just like everyone else, and these flaws had never been more apparent. By his lapse in judgment, he practically ruined himself. Now his life is a contradiction. Action speaks louder than words, from a preacher of truth; he is now a preacher of lies.  I will be hard for him to realize his predicament; for he has the tendency to justify his foolishness and imperfection, can be so arrogant to admit mistake and posses a cunning ability to twist the truth. The only thing he admits so far is that he is a sinner; although, he only admitted it to reason out that because he is a sinner, he can commit sin.

One thing about the truth is that the more a person struggles against it, the more he is revealed. To justify his lapse in judgment, he indirectly admitted that he is a demon. Demons are enemies of truth, they dwell in hell, and they are punished by fire and by death, which is the ultimate wages of sin. This is only one of his many contradictions, a clear proof that he is covered by lust and ignorance. If she truly loved him, would she cry for herself or would she cry for him, who is entering the darkest region of existence.

"Thou shall love the father with all your heart,
your whole mind, your whole being."

Except from God, The Supreme Person, no one is worthy to be love wholeheartedly by anyone. Unfortunately, she loved him with all her heart; she loved him more than anyone, more than anything, more than herself.

Part of her predicament was her fault, because although it was his mistake to pose himself as the most lovable person, it's her fault that she believes the lie. He may be a person of knowledge with strength in character, a good provider and a loyal husband, at least in earlier years, but it is not enough for her to love him with all her heart. It is foolish for any person to love anyone more than he or she loved the most lovable, loving God.

He doesn't know what love is, and he doesn't know how to love; for if he does, he should have known that to love someone is to not do anything that would make his loved one cry in pain. But the issue is not whether he knows how to love or not, or whether he loves her or not; the real issue is whether she truly loves him or not.

If we love someone, we should be glad that someone loves the person we love; regardless of where that love is coming from, for love supposedly is unconditional. For a true lover, a loved one happiness is his happiness and more important than his own happiness. But if instead of happiness what we felt is burning misery; what we felt is not love, and we are not in love but in lust.

Love is not blind, but in her words and action she is saying that she intensely loves a weak liar unfaithful arrogant fool. It would have been fair enough to just love him, but to love him intensely is blind and foolish. Her blindness is a proof that her so-called love for him is illusion and actually is lust.

"A wife is a friend given by Gods".

He was overcome by his challenge, and she was severely affected by his failure. If “a wife is a friend given by gods", It's time for that god given friend to be strong and rescue him, instead of contemplating in self-pity and selfish reasons. Marriage is a union of two people, and The Holy Bible states that they are not two but one. Therefore, the joy and pain of the wife is the joy and pain of the husband; as the joy and pain of the husband is the joy and pain of the wife. This time he needs her to be strong and to really stand by his side.

We are unable to stop the wind from blowing in different directions, the waves from crashing on the coast, or the rain from pouring. We don't have control. No matter how high our expectations are, we cannot force the coming of what will never happen. What is going to come will come. We should live in a way that prepares us for the problems that will inevitably come our way. This world is full of suffering. People plan for the future by saving money and acquiring things, seemingly unaware that emotional upheavals will also occur and that their impacts will be more severe than physical hunger.

1 comment:

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